GCH CH FrontPage Nils
Owner/Handler: Leon Hustad Breeder: Johanna and Hanna Olsson
Thanks to Judge Dana P Cline, “Nils” wins Best of Breed at the 2014 Norwegian Lundehund Association of America National Specialty on December 11, 2014 at the Central Florida Kennel Club Dog Show in Orlando, Florida. “Nils” becomes the first recipient of the Sharon Pederson Best of Breed Memorial Trophy as presented by Letty Afong, NLAA Vice-President and Show Chairperson. “Nils” also received the Eriksro, Montjoy, & Silversound Challenge Trophy. In addition, “Nils” completed 2014 in the #1 Ranked Norwegian Lundehund in the USA over all other Best of Breed Winners.